Is SNOMED CT available in other languages apart from English?

SNOMED CT is a multinational, multilingual terminology. It has a built-in framework to manage different languages and dialects.  For information on currently available translations and related information, please see our website.

How can SNOMED CT be used ?

SNOMED CT can be used in health care software applications that focus on collection of clinical data, linking to clinical knowledge bases, information retrieval, as well as data aggregation and exchange. The content in SNOMED CT provides a standard for clinical information that can be used as a common reference point for improving data analysis and information access and thereby results in improved patient outcomes.

To learn more about how SNOMED CT can be used read the SNOMED CT Starter Guide and look at the online listing of some of the many practical examples of SNOMED CT in Action (www.snomedinaction.org). 

How do we become a Member of SNOMED CT?

Membership is open to all countries who are interested in using SNOMED CT and working towards the goals and purpose of the Association. Nations themselves are not Members. A Member is an organization that is endorsed by the Government to represent that nation. All prospective Members of the IHTSDO must meet certain criteria (refer Clause 4.2 of the Articles of Association) in order to join the Association. 

The IHTSDO welcomes new Members.  Please contact your regional Customer Relations Lead to discuss membership.

How can I be a member of SNOMED CT?

Only countries, nations or states can be members of SNOMED CT. In Portugal the SNOMED CT distribution license was acquired by SPMS. To obtain a license, download the SNOMED CT.docx Application file and send it to the email: ctcpt@spms.min-saude.pt

Members are entitled to translate of SNOMED CT?

No. Not allowed to translate any part of  International Release of SNOMED CTto any other language without the prior consent of IHTSDO.